It is almost time to file your Federal Income Taxes. The deadline for filing a 2021 federal tax return is April 18, 2022. Many of our clients hire tax professionals to assist with their tax returns. We always encourage our clients to seek qualified professionals to help. However, tax season can be a challenging time for so many without the resources to hire a professional or prepare the returns themselves. I want to take this opportunity to highlight a free resource available in our community.
If you are a senior (or know a senior) who may need help preparing Federal Income Tax returns, consider the free service provided by the AARP Foundation. AARP Foundation has a nationwide service called Tax-Aide. Tax-Aide is a service that provides local tax professionals, free of charge, to assist seniors with tax preparation. This in-person assistance is available to anyone, however, they focus on taxpayers who are over 50 and have low to moderate income. Tax-Aide volunteers are trained and IRS-certified every year to make sure they know about and understand the latest changes and additions to the tax code.
The closest AARP Foundation Tax-Aide location is located at Bethany Lutheran Church, 256 S Walnut St, Elmira, NY, 14904
For more details please call Tax-Aid at 607-735-2424 orclick on this link to see dates and times available. Appointments are required.